Please help us heal the world and her children by donating at: HELP US SAVE THE WORLD
Donald Trump
All around our planet people are dying from maladies that could be avoided with the use of new technologies. In countries like HAITI, ANGOLA, GUATEMALA, GUINEA-BISSAU, MALI, MARSHALL ISL., LAOS, BURUNDI, AFGHANISTAN, BURKINA, CHAD, BENIN and
CAMEROON, over 25% of their populations die from malnutrition.According to the Johannesburg Summit in 2002. “More than 5 million people die each year from diseases caused by unsafe drinking water, lack of sanitation, and insufficient water for hygiene. In fact, over 2 million deaths occur each year from water-related diarrhea alone. At any given time, almost half of the people in developing countries suffer from water-related diseases.”
The World Health Organization estimates that 4.6 million people die each year from causes directly attributable to air pollution.
All could be reduced or stopped by the development of clean, free energy technologies that are available right now with the only problems being lack of funding and government cooperation.
Russian billionaire Yuri Milner is giving $100M to SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence)
Billionaires Richard Branson, founder and CEO Jeff Bezos and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk are building their own spaceports and the State of Texas is offering $2.3 million in incentives to SpaceX from the Enterprise fund, the governor's office said. The state is offering $13 million from the Spaceport Trust Fund to the Cameron County Spaceport Development Corp.
The Koch brothers founded Americans for Prosperity (prosperity for the prosperous) A right wing tea party conservative organization. It's purpose is to buy up as many politicians as possible.
And last but not least Billionaire bad boy Donald Trump is running for president, and revealed that he has $9 billion at his disposal to fund his campaign.
Of course they can spend their money any way that wish, but it would be nice, don't you think, if they would do something that would help heal Mother earth.
Please join our Facebook group: Citizens of Earth for Immediate Change.
Thank you for reading this post. I hope to see you again soon.
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